
This page and why it was born

This project was born from my walk as a progressive Christian and a Christian/Christopagan witch, but here are all walks of faith welcome. I was struggling to find (an online) community and place that was open-minded and Christian at the same time, so I decided to start my own such community and place.

This page is safe for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, and so on. I will say though that our political views here are more left-leaning since we believe in being Christlike for real – we believe all people who have been born to this earth have the right to be here. No what or buts, everyone is welcome. We don’t need to preserve traditions that hurt people. That’s why we are progressive.

We don’t say you need to vote for a specific political party to be welcomed here, but just bear in mind that this page is for open-minded people who are not afraid of the fact that the world needs to change for the better for minority groups and marginalized people and that we are not afraid of getting rid of arbitrary rules and traditions.

Fullness in Faith is a space where all walks of life come together – a fullness, quite literally as the name suggests. Nobody is free until all of us are free.

I prefer to think like this: God is evolving with us. He is not against change and development. The more you study the Bible on a deeper level, you’ll understand that it’s certainly not as literal as you think!

The founder

The founder of Fullness in Faith is Tricia Trix Johansson, but I go under the name Trix Joyce on YouTube and everywhere else online. I also run the blog Trix Says Things. I have written the book ”Finding Internal Happiness” and I’m currently writing several more books on spiritual and metaphysical subjects. So I’m a writer and YouTuber but also a visual artist.

I have endured a lot in life. I’ve survived traumatic experiences such as sexual assault and domestic violence, hospitalization due to self-harming, emotional neglect in childhood, childhood abuse, and mistreatment. I also spent my teenage years in a children’s care home and also regularly in psych wards. At age 27 I was violently raped on a date and soon after that – due to all the internal stress – I developed Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is an autoimmune chronic condition.

I’ve always been spiritual. Even in my teenagers when things didn’t go right. I honestly think that was what saved me through it all. When I was in my late 20s I became a witch ”officially” even though I started to read witchcraft literature already at age 14. I also took a witchcraft course by a semi-famous Swedish witch at the time. I think I was around 16 because I had not moved to my own apartment yet.

It feels like I’m growing in my spirituality all the time. That’s why I’ve created Fullness in Faith. To grow and to help others grow as well.